Swatches and Review: Shiro Anniversary Sale Haul!


OK, with those stupid gifs now out of my system, I  can now move onto more important things. Like smearing eyeshadow all over my arms for a few hours. This is a joy I would never have anticipated before I got into indies, and swatching my entire Shiro order was a pleasure that was a bit difficult to explain to my husband (who thankfully is understanding of the whole insanity in the first place, but fears a bit for our scotch tape supply). You are now forewarned that I went a little hog wild with photos of the shadows and blushes, because damnit, they are just so pretty! See for yourself!

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Review and Swatches: Darling Girl Order, 12 Shadows and Fantasia blush

Saturday was one of those rare, unanticipated, hyper-productive days that turns you into a tornado of GETTING SHIT DONE-NESS. I deep cleaned and re-arranged my bedroom. I hung up pictures on my walls that have been gathering dust in a corner since I moved in six months ago. I washed my pup’s dog bed. I made low-carb Thai peanut sauce noodles for dinner (food baby much? Worth it).

And the gods must have seen my diligence and saw it fit to reward me, because my Darling Girl order that was supposed to arrive Tuesday did NOT arrive Tuesday. Oh no!

It arrived SATURDAY.

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